Neke Carson, Rectal Realist Portrait of Fred Flintstone, Acrylic on Canvas, 1973

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Rectal Realist Portrait of Fred Flintsone. Acrylic on Canvas. 19  x 24 in., 1973.

Neke Carson, Fed Flintsone, Rectal Realist, Painting

Neke Carson, Rectal Realism, Artist Statement

Comes with a statement about rectal realism signed by artist.

Neke Carson


The Strange World of Neke Carson: Early Works, 1970–85

This is a show filled with unusual masterpieces: psychologically-charged drawings that hint at impropriety; ephemera from guerrilla performances staged in Soho galleries without permission; the notorious rectal-realist paintings created with a paintbrush in his behind; and objects connected with ventures like Carson’s LaRocka Modeling Agency and LaRocka Nite Club (later…